Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a week!

Max has had a very eventful week! He is no longer being swaddled at night when he goes to sleep. He has officialy graduated to the sleep sack. It is basically a wearable blanket that keeps him all cozy at night. He has been in the sleep sack all week, and so far things are going pretty well. He only wakes up once a night, usually between 3am and 5am, then he goes back down until about 7:30ish. All in all, he is not doing too badly. I feel like I am getting enough sleep and so is he. We will need to begin putting him to sleep earlier soon so that he is up when we need to go to daycare in the morning. My first day back is August 11th, which is right around the corner!

Max has also discovered that there are neat little things attached to the end of his legs that he can control, well sort of. . . I keep telling him that they are his feet, but I don't think he is too interested in what they are called. No matte what you call them, they are his new favorite play thing. He grabs them all the time, especailly during diaper changing time. He seems to like his feet more than any of his toys right now. He hasn't quite gotten them into his mouth, but I am sure this milestone is just around the corner!

Last but not least Max and I had lunch with two of my mom's co-workers this Tuesday. Angela even had a gift for Max, an adorable little quilt that she made. It is so cute! It is covered with frogs, tutles, and all kinds of cute little things. I layed Max on it for the first time yesterday and he seemed to think it was pretty cool, but I did have to make him promise not to spit up on it. He even posed for a few pictures! Thank you so much Angela!

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