Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Max's Big Day

Here are some pictures from the Max's big day - his Baptism! He is how officially a member of the Catholic church.

It felt like Max's baptism was an entire weekend event since all of Brian's siblings took the time to come into town. It is always fun to see the kids - they are all getting so big! We had family pictures taken on Saturday morning, so look for those to be posted once we get them from the photographer. It was a bit of a challange to get all the kids to cooperate, but I think there will be some nice shots to show for it.

As we sat in church waiting for mass I couldn't help but think that five years ago, Brian and I were on that alter saying our vows. It has been a great five years! We even have a little one to show for it. Max's baptism followed 11am mass on Sunday. The baptism was beautiful, Father Bommarito called all of our family and freinds to stand on the alter beside us throughout the whole ceremony. It was amazing to see all of the people that took the time to celebrate our little man. I cried, of course. It still feels so amazing to think that we are parents, we truly are blessed. Max was great throughout the entire ceremony. He didn't let out a peep and even smiled at Father B a few times.

After the ceremony we went to have lunch at Guido's. While the drinks were a bit slow to come out - sorry everyone - it was fun to spend time with all of our family and freinds. Max enjoyed lunch from his car seat where he slept almost the entire time. He did eventually wake up as a reward for the people that hung on to the bitter end.
It was a wonderful weekend and I don't think it could have gone any better!

1 comment:

Aurelio Corso said...

Great pictures...he's getting pretty big. Sorry I wasn't there to see it. But I was thinking about it.