Monday, March 31, 2008

Dr. Visit - Take Two

I hope that you all enjoyed the video that Brian slaved over. There was one very important person missing - grandpa Mason. Unfortuntaly we didn't have a picture of him and Max when Brian made the video, but he did come over for a visit the other night . . . So here is Gandpa Mason with his favorite grandchild ( I can say that because Max is his only grandchild ).

Well Max went to the doctor again today for another weight check. He has gained weight, but not quite as much as we would like to see. He was 7lb 9oz - so he did make it back to his birth weight. Hopefully he will really begin to pack on the pounds soon. We have another appointment next Monday for yet another weight check. Cross your fingers that our little guy starts to bulk up soon! Brian jokes that he needs some HGH. . .

If you recall from a previous post, his last appointment was very stressful for me. Lots of sick kids, including one with a scary looking rash. Today was much less stressful. The waiting room was almost empty and none of the kids that were there seemed obviously sick looking. I also think it helped that we didn't walk into the office until just a couple minutes before our scheduled appointment. Hopefully the waiting room will be that empty next Monday.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Max's 1st video

Here is a little video I made of Max and his 1st week. I hope you enjoy. This is my 1st real attempt at making a home video.


Max - The Movie Star

Daddy has been very busy for the last two days. He has been working with the computer to create Max's first movie. It should be up on the blog soon.

Things have been going well. Max is still a pretty easy going baby. Nightime is still rough, but that is to be expected at this point. He wakes up to eat about every three hours and usually goes back to sleep within 15 minutes or so. There are a few times when Max wakes up in between feedings - that is when Daddy gets to work his magic.

I have noticed a bit more awake time the last few days. He usually has a bout of awake time in the evening around 7pm and in the morning at around 10am or so. I feel bad admiting it, but this is usually about the time that I get up for the day! It is so hard to get up at a reasonable hour, when I am up to feed him every few hours through the night.

During his awake time Daddy and I play with him a bit. I think that Daddy is looking forward to a time when Max is a bit more responsive. He loves looking at our faces and he loves being talked to. We have also discovered the joy of the swing. Max enjoyed being in the swing and watching TV with Daddy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bath Time - Sort Of. . .

Max was beginning to get a bit sticky, so last night he had has his first sponge bath. We can't give him a real bath until his cord falls off. He dealt with the whole thing very well, not a tear to be seen. Brian acted as the guardrail keeping him on the counter while I did the washing. I was very glad we went to the infant care class, Brian was able to remind me what to do. Max looked so cute in his little towel, although I think he looks cute in anything!

After bath time, it was off to eat and then bed. Max had a great night last night. He woke up three times, but each time he just ate and went right back to sleep. Hopefully this will become a trend, although I don't think I will hold my breath. Today we are going to see Grandpa Jack and Grandma Mindy, so hopefully we will have some more fun family pictures to share tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Week - and Growing!

Well Max is officially one week old this morning. What a week! There have been so many milestones and so many 'firsts' that have taken place already. . .

Our first night at home - I guess this went as well as could be expected. Although, we do seem to wonder where our little angel goes at night, it seems like he sends out his evil twin when the sun goes down. During the day he will eat and then sleep for a while, often until his next feeding. That isn't the case at night, he wants to eat and then he is wide awake. I guess this is to be expected. I need to take eveyone's advice and sleep during the day when Max sleeps.

Max's first story time - On Saturday night Max was wide awake so Daddy took the opportunity to read Max his first story, who doesn't love a good book? Max just stared up at Brian the whole time and was interested through two stories. I know there will be many more story times where this came from!

Max's first holiday - Happy Easter, a little bit late! Max celebrated the holiday here at home with mom. With it only being our second day home, I didn't quite feel up to bringing him out to celebrate. I did talk to him all about the holiday, and I look forward to next year when we can celebrate the holiday in true Easter fashion - church, egg hunt, and all!

Max's first doctor's visit - Max was born at 7lb 9oz. As all babies do, he lost a bit of weight the first few days. Unfortunately, Max lost a little more than we would have liked. When we left the hospital he was weighing in at 6lb 12oz. The pediatrician wanted to see him yesterday to make sure that his weight was on the upswing. Sure enough he weighed in at 7lb 5oz. Now, I don't think that Max gained 9oz in three days, but I know all of that weight gain can't be attributed to scale differences. It is good to know that our little one is thriving.

Max's first doctor's visit from Mom's point of view - I think this was scarier than giving birth! Our first outing and we have to go someplace full of sick kids! I have never wished for super powers so much in my entire life. I wanted to create an invisible shield to protect my little angel from all of those icky germs. We have to go back next Monday for another weight check and I can guarantee that we will wait in the car until right before his appointment! I have quickly come to realize that there are lots of things I am going to want to protect him from. Needless to say, I was very glad to come home!

I think that is all of the biggies. I think we are going to attempt our first sponge bath today. One perk of a c-section is that we were there so long they gave him a bath right before we left the hospital. This should be an interesting first for our little one and for us!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dreams Really Do Come True

Brian and I have been dreaming about having children for years. We have known since the day that we were married that someday we would become parents. While our journey to parenthood has not been typical, our dreams have come true. Our little boy is the perfect addition to our family and we truly are blessed to have him. While I type he is sleeping soundly in his crib. It takes all of my will power not to just stand over his crib and watch him. It is hard to believe that he is ours to love and raise.

The fact that he is our little boy has really hit home for me today, our first day as a family of three in our house. As they wheeled me from the hospital this morning all I could think of was all the times I had walked through those halls for appointments and wondered what our child would be like. It has been so fun to meet him and get to know his personality. So far he is pretty calm, most cries are for food or dirty diapers and he loves being talked to. I can't wait to get to know him better as the time goes on.

Grandma Carlotta met us at the house to take pictures. Here is one of us on our front porch. It is hard to believe that before we know it little Max will be filling out his car seat. We couldn't be happier to be home and our pets couldn't be happier to see us. Sierra gave Max a few curious sniffs before deciding he was an okay addition. Chewy, on the other hand, was more interested in the plant we brought home from the hospital. Hopefully our first night home will go smoothly, or at least as smoothly as a night with a newborn can go!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Boy Time

Now that I am up and about, I can take over the blogging for a bit. It felt great this morning to be able to get up wihtout any wires attached! Max is doing very well, he is beginning to catch on to nursing. He has been pretty quite, I am sure he is saving up the crying for when we get home. I may be partial, but I think he is the most beautiful little boy ever!

Brian is a natural daddy! He has become a pro at wrapping Max up like a little burrito and changing diapers. Brian has decided Max had perfect timing for his grand entrance. March madness has begun and daddy and son are bonding over basketball.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First of many sleepless nights...

All things considered, last night went pretty well. They brought Max to Sarah for feedings about every 3 hours. He had a couple of good feedings with a couple of not so good. He just didn't seem like he was in the mood to eat at times.

This morning consisted of more tests and glances by the doctors for Sarah and Max. Max was checked out and given two thumbs up by the pediatrician. He also got his hearing checked by another doctor. Today he might be a little fussy. They will circumcise him later this afternoon.

Sarah is healing well. She has gotten up a few times today and will be able to eat some real food by dinner.

I think the grandparents are enjoying themselves too. Here is a picture of Nonna (Italian Grandma) Carlotta, Max, and I shortly after delivery.
Mindy went out on a shopping spree and picked up some new stylish outfits for him. Since we didn't know what we were having and they don't make very many gender neutral clothing we were short in the clothing department. The new outfits are appreciated.
Max has been excited to meet the new family. This morning Uncle Mason stopped by to meet him. We have enjoyed sharing this experience with all the friends and family that have stopped by.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

Well we arrived pretty late last night and they started some drugs around 1am. Sarah went into labor almost immediately. She proceeded nicely, but around 6am there started to be issues with baby's heartbeat dropping during contractions. Since we were expecting a 9lb 6oz baby (from the ultrasound Friday), the doctor thought it would be best to do a c-section. It took a little while for them to prep the operating room, but at about 7:20am Sarah was wheeled back.

During the operation I was in awe. I got some good peeks over the curtain to check out the progress, but Sarah wouldn't let me take any pictures, sorry everyone. Watching the doctor pull our little boy out was unbelievable. He arrived a deep purple color, but within minutes he was very pink and normal looking.

We have named him Max William and he tipped the scales at 7lbs 9 oz 20.5 inches in length.