Tuesday, September 21, 2021

William the Daredevil


William spent a weekend at the lake with a family from school.  When I picked him up they said he had a slight incident on an ATV.  Apparently he was driving, got dust in his eyes, and hit a tree.  This momma does not approve.  

He was complaining that his wrists hurt so I took him to the doctor on Monday.  Sure enough this crazy guy had not one, but two broken wrists.  His left one was actually pretty bad - he broke both the radius and the ulna.  William just doesn't do anything halfway.  Poor William spent two weeks with a full cast on that left wrist and a short cast on the right.  He thought it was pretty funny until he realized he couldn't even play video games.  It was honestly pretty rough on all of us.  

Things started to look up a bit for the next three weeks when he was able to get two new casts that were both below the elbow.

Two more weeks in removable braces and one final week of limited activity and William is finally all healed.  No more ATV's - EVER!!!

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