Monday, November 13, 2017

Happy Halloween

Okay, so I'm a bit behind over here.  Nearly all the Halloween candy is finally gone and I'm just getting around to posting the official Halloween post.

 It was a cold one this year!  All three boys were bundled up in about five layers under their costumes.

This year we had a Mario. . .   He abandoned that mustache about four houses into our trick or treating.  William came home from school with this joke . . . .

Where do you find the most cows?

Mooooooo York!

 We had a super cute little Luigi.  Max is old hat at the whole tirck or treating thing.  He recyled an oldie but a goodie for his joke. . .

How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogie in it :)
 They were the cutest little pair around!

 Then cat boy made an appearance as well.  He had to call on his super cat speed several times throughout the night to keep up with his big brothers.  He loved every minute of it.  About the first 10 houses he would run back to Brian and yelling "I said trick or treat and they gave me candy!"  He was shocked it actually worked.

These three are just so much fun!  It was a pretty perfect night and it helped that they had a late start day at school the day after Halloween.

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