Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Max's Wolf Rank

The school year is winding down and with it comes lots of extras.  We all headed up to school on Tuesday evening to see our biggest man advance rank in cub scouts.  He achieved his wolf badge and it was pretty fun to watch. Unfortunately my pictures do not do it justice. 

 After a the rank advancement ceremony we headed outside for water bottle rockets.  This is always a huge hit!  It was also super special because the kindergartners are invited to come check out a scouting event.  William loved every minute of it - even though I don't have photographic proof. 
Jack loved it too.  He was all excited about that sno cone in case you couldn't tell.  It was another great year of scouting for Max - I can't wait to see what next year holds when both of our big boys are official cub scouts!

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