Saturday, May 20, 2017

Kindergarten Circus

 I can't believe that William is wrapping up his kindergarten days.  In fact only four more school days and he will be a first grader - I just don't see how!!

 On Thursday Nonna and I attended the Kindergarten Circus.  I have to say this was much improved over the hour plus version when Max was in kindergarten.   Then we had to come up with our own individual act.  It was rough.  This year they sang fun circus songs and each child had a line.  William's line was "We have an elephant as big as a house!"  He delivered his line with passion even if he looks a bit perplexed in this picture.

It was so tough to get good pictures!  I love the faces in this one - they were singing a song about sad clowns that was hilarious.

After the show we headed to his classroom to have snacks and make a craft.  William didn't want me to sit and help him - he wanted his Nonna.

 This woman has been such a blessing to our family this year.  She is exactly the teacher that our William needed.  School isn't easy for him, he needs encouragement and patience.  She has given him both in spades.  His first grade teacher has HUGE shoes to fill!
We got a quick photo booth picture before the party was over.  William thought this hat was perfect for me.

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