Saturday, January 16, 2016

Max's Big Day

I'm behind on my blogging and I have a few older things I need to post, but today was a big day.  Max made his first reconciliation at church!  I have to admit that I was scarred by mine as a kid.  It was terrifying.

Today was perfect.  Not the least bit scary at all.  All the second graders made their first reconciliation together so there were lots of kids.  They had twelve priests set up around the sacristy out in the open.  

Max was lucky enough to have a Great Aunt Carm and Great Uncle Mike join us for the service.  Aunt Carm is my godmother and it was so special to have her there to see my first born receive the sacrament.

Last but not least, was Max's godmother, Aunt Anna.  The whole experience was perfect.  It couldn't have gone any better.  Now we look forward to the next big sacrament in May - his first communion!  Hopefully Max will cooperate more so I an get a few better pictures :)

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