Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Christmas Continued

  I know I'm a bit behind, but I wanted to post the rest of our Christmas fun.  First thing Christmas morning we sang happy birthday to Jesus.  Complete with this adorable birthday cake that the neighbor dropped off.  They boys got a huge kick out of it.

Max, always the stickler for accuracy, said that we had an issue because there was no way 2015 candles would fit on the cake.
 Of course what Christmas morning would be complete without presents from Santa!  The boys were thrilled to find these packages under the tree and they couldn't wait to dig in.

Max got the Wii U game he had asked for.

This little middle man was super excited to find that Santa brought him the walkie talkies he asked for after all.  He has finally gotten the hang of pushing the button while he talks.  It took a while ;)

 Jack thought his new train piece was pretty spectacular.  He just about wore out the batteries  pressing the button over and over and over again.

Christmas evening we headed over to grandma and grandpa's house for a nice low key celebration.  It was exactly what we needed.  The big boys both got fishing poles and tackle boxes and they can't wait to go fishing with grandpa.  I think Max has looked through his tackle box so many times he has memorized everything in it.

The Sunday after Christmas we had yet another celebration with cousin Madeline in town all the way from New York.  She and Jack bonded over some watercolors.

Nonna and Nonno couldn't have been any happier to have all four of their grand kiddos in one place.  It was pretty great.

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