Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Our Little Fish

So both of the little boys began structured swim lessons after the holidays.  I'm working with Max at the gym pool, so since I'm the teacher there aren't any pictures of his lessons.  I'll have to remedy that.

Jack's PT suggested swimming lessons as another avenue to support his gross motor skills.  I searched high and low and found a preschool session where I don't that to get in the water AND that takes place when Will is at school.  Huge win.

His little eyes were as big as saucers when he first saw the pool.  We were a bit early so I let him play and kick around a bit since there wasn't another class in the water before us.  He adjusted well and was ready when his class began.  I'll admit I get a bit nervous since he is the smallest kiddo in the class and I'm worried he will bob off into the deep end.

It seems that his very favorite part of class is at the end when they get to look for the rings in the water.  So far he has managed four lessons without going under, so we will have to see how he likes that when the time comes.

Our goal with Jack isn't to create the next great swimmer quite yet.  We are working on helping him to build up the muscle in his legs.  The water allows for his to do so without the pressure of his full weight.  So far so good, he lights up every Friday when I tell him it is time for swimming lessons.

This guy was ridiculously excited to start swimming lessons.  He couldn't contain himself as we sat on the bleachers and waited for our session to begin.  He is in a Swim American program and I'm hoping that he develops some solid skills and shows progress.  

 He loved the floats he got to use with his teacher.  I just love the look of determination I saw on his face as he gave his very best effort.  He tried everything asked of his and there were no tears.  It's also nice that on Wednesday nights he gets a bit of one on one time with mom or dad when we take him to lessons.

  At the end of every lesson they have a chance to jump into the deep end.  Will did it the first night.  It wasn't pretty, but when he talked to Daddy about lessons that night he didn't bring that part up.  He was very excited to share that he got to kick, glide, and blow bubbles.  The second class he chose not to 'cannonball' as he called it.  We will take it.  Baby steps.

Jack the Gymnast

Jack has qualified for out state's early intervention program to help develop his gross motor skills.  One of the physical therapist suggest a gym in town and we signed Jack up.  He has had three classes at this point and absolutely loves it!

I've been super impressed with the teachers and the fact that they work on the kids on actual skills.  Each class beginnings with a bit of open playtime before songs ans stretching.  There are also structured skills lessons, which are pretty impressive.  We need to work a bit on following directions, but we will get there!

While the kids are waiting for their turn at the skills station they are supposed to sit on a mat.  It's funny how quickly Jack has figured out that sitting on the mat means he gets to have his turn soon.  Especially when it is something super fun!  I'm so excited that we found this outlet for him.  It is exactly the extra boost he needs to help develop his skills, and I'm so fortunate that we are able to provide him with the opportunity!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Max's Big Day

I'm behind on my blogging and I have a few older things I need to post, but today was a big day.  Max made his first reconciliation at church!  I have to admit that I was scarred by mine as a kid.  It was terrifying.

Today was perfect.  Not the least bit scary at all.  All the second graders made their first reconciliation together so there were lots of kids.  They had twelve priests set up around the sacristy out in the open.  

Max was lucky enough to have a Great Aunt Carm and Great Uncle Mike join us for the service.  Aunt Carm is my godmother and it was so special to have her there to see my first born receive the sacrament.

Last but not least, was Max's godmother, Aunt Anna.  The whole experience was perfect.  It couldn't have gone any better.  Now we look forward to the next big sacrament in May - his first communion!  Hopefully Max will cooperate more so I an get a few better pictures :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Christmas Continued

  I know I'm a bit behind, but I wanted to post the rest of our Christmas fun.  First thing Christmas morning we sang happy birthday to Jesus.  Complete with this adorable birthday cake that the neighbor dropped off.  They boys got a huge kick out of it.

Max, always the stickler for accuracy, said that we had an issue because there was no way 2015 candles would fit on the cake.
 Of course what Christmas morning would be complete without presents from Santa!  The boys were thrilled to find these packages under the tree and they couldn't wait to dig in.

Max got the Wii U game he had asked for.

This little middle man was super excited to find that Santa brought him the walkie talkies he asked for after all.  He has finally gotten the hang of pushing the button while he talks.  It took a while ;)

 Jack thought his new train piece was pretty spectacular.  He just about wore out the batteries  pressing the button over and over and over again.

Christmas evening we headed over to grandma and grandpa's house for a nice low key celebration.  It was exactly what we needed.  The big boys both got fishing poles and tackle boxes and they can't wait to go fishing with grandpa.  I think Max has looked through his tackle box so many times he has memorized everything in it.

The Sunday after Christmas we had yet another celebration with cousin Madeline in town all the way from New York.  She and Jack bonded over some watercolors.

Nonna and Nonno couldn't have been any happier to have all four of their grand kiddos in one place.  It was pretty great.