Friday, June 12, 2015

The Beach

 My babies on the beach.  It doesn't get any sweeter - unless you can magially make everyone sandfree after and get everything to the car.  All three boys had a great time.  Jack and Max loved digging and playing in the sand.  It was too cute to watch Jack's excitement every time he found something.  Look - seaweed!  Look - sand!  He just couldn't contain himself and there was a whole lot of happy screaming. 
 He did eventually learn to love the water too.  His favorite thing was when someone would pick him up every time a wave hit.  He just giggle and giggled. 

 Max put his building skills to use and with Daddy's help build the best fort the beach had ever seen.  He was so proud of his efforts and he thought it was pretty amazing that he dug deep enough that there was water coming up from the bottom of his whole.

 Will wasn't too into the building.  He was all about the ocean.  In the ocean, out of the ocean, in the ocean, out of the ocean.  Over and over and over again.  He loved the feeling of the sand being pulled out from under him by the water.  He just couldn't get over it.  Will quickly got over any fear he had and wanted to venture out farther into the water.  It was so fun to watch him explore this new terrain for the first time.

 It was a quick trip, but I'm so glad we went!  When I look these four guys my heart just melts.  It was a great experience for all of us and it was made even better with the extra company of Nonna and Great Aunt Carm.  Every day I want to pinch myself and ask how did I get so incredibly lucky. 

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