Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

We had a fabulous Mother's Day weekend.  We celebrated with Grandma Mindy and Great Grandma Lorainne on Saturday.

Will was learning all about gold from Great Grandma.  He was pretty impressed when she predicted that the golfer would hit hte ball in the air and he did.

 Max loves playing Battleship.  Will gave it a shot too and it was pretty cute.  I remember playing this with my cousins when I was little.  I always lost - I think they cheated.

The boys weren't too into pictures, so this is the best that we were able to get.  Far from perfect, but still pretty close to fabulous.

On Sunday we headed to the Zoo for a fun family outing.  Of course we rode the train and saw lots of animals.  The boys all had a great time and I'm sure there will be many more visits for us this summer.  After the Zoo we headed to Nonna and Nonno's house for a wonderful dinner.  The big boys used all of their big trucks to dig about a 1,001 holes in the yard.  Jack had fun getting into trouble in the house.  We were so busy that I forgot to get any pictures.  I need to work on that.

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