Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holiday Pet Spectacular

We have visited Purnia Farms before and loved it. I found out that they had a holiday event and I was ready to go. Brian found out it was free so he was ready to go too. Although if we are honest there were some rough moments on the way out. Brian threatened to turn the car around while Will screamed and screamed. Eventually we figured out that he didn't want any music and the drive got better.

One side of the building had several different bounce houses.  The boys were in heaven!  I'm always so impressed with Will's climbing.  He is tiny, but strong!  Max flew through the big kid obstacle course with no problems - in fact he started racing random kids through it.  I think he got Brian's competive genes.

After watching the dog show - which was a huge hit - we explroed the other room at the center.  They had several farm animals that the kids could pet and Jack just lvoed it!  He cried when we tried to take him away from his new friends.  Maybe he is a country boy deep inside. 

 Max realized that while he was standing near the chickens one of them laid an egg.  In theory Max knew that eggs came from chickens, but I think seeing it in real life may have scarred him a bit.  I better give up getting him to eat eggs for breakfast, not that I had been successful with this before.

The only charge was for the kids craft area.  The boys were able to decorage their own sugar cookies and I don't think there was any part of those cookies not covered in about an inch of extra sugar.  They ate them in the car on the way home and loved every last bite.

They each made an ornament and a bird feeder as well.  Will was so proud of his bird feeder.  In fact he took it to his speech therapy session on Monday and told Miss Lolo all about it. 
Now I just need to do a little research to find another fun holiday actviity for us to visit this weekend!

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