Friday, February 28, 2014

Ten Months Old

Has it really been ten months?  I guess so.  Or at least it would be tomorrow and since there isn't a 29th this month I'm calling him 10 months old today. 
This poor little guy has had a bit of a rough week.  Last Sunday and Monday he just didn't seem to be himself.  He wasn't feverish, but he wasn't eating or playing the way he usually does.  I took him to see Dr. Joe just to make sure it wasn't an ear infection.  Poor guy just had a virus.  It kicked into high gear and our poor baby woke up at 4:30 on Tuesday morning with a 101.4 fever.  He was just pitiful.  Luckily it seemed to be short lived and he is back to his sweet, playful little self.

Other than his bout of sickness Jack continues to grow and thrive.  He crawls all over the place and he loves his music table.  He also loves the train table, but his brothers don't seem to like it quite as much.  Will brings other toys over to try to distract Jack and I often hear him telling Jack to play with his own toys. 

Jack has an uncanny ability to find anything disgusting on the floor no matter how many times a day a sweep.  It makes me crazy!  I'll turn around and he looks at me and I can just tell there is something in that cute little mouth of his because he refuses to smile or laugh.  If it wasn't so gross it would actually be kind of funny.

We have had lots of fun the past few Friday's attending a family fun class at our school districts early childhood center.  The classes have been fabulous.  The boys love playing with all the new toys, singing songs, and exploring the table activities that the teachers set up.  The past two weeks little Jack has seemed to be showing some signs of separation anxiety.  He is okay around at home, but when we get to class he doesn't want to be more than about two feet from him.  At least I know he loves his momma, right?

Will loves the class too.  Today's theme was sticky icky.  He played with this flubber for the longest time.  he just kept stretching it and trying to pull it apart.  He also made the prettiest little painting with colored corn syrup.  I love that we get to do all these crazy messy activities without getting our house crazy messy!

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