Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Last night we celebrated Daddy's big day.  Will helped me bake the cake while Max was at school and Max made the cutest card ever to give to Daddy. 

Brian was stuck at work a bit late, so by the time he got home to two littlest men were all bathed and ready for bed.  Poor Will had just fallen off the chair moments before this picture was taken, so he wasn't too willing to smile.

Baby Jack really loved it.  He was very determined to grab those candles, but luckily Daddy was a bit quicker.  Max was all excited to help blow out the candles.  It is so funny how our lives had changed.  Before a birthday meant a nice meal at a wonderful restaurant. Now they mean a box cake made and iced by the kids and an off key version of Happy Birthday sung at 6:30 pm.  I wouldn't trade it for anything, and I don't think Brian would either - although I do hope to still get out to dinner just the two of us soon.  Happy Birthday Honey!

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