Monday, September 30, 2013

Five Months Old

So I would like to introduce you to no nap Jack.  Yep that's right.  This sweet little bundle of five month old joy just will. not. nap.  I'm at a loss.  I really don't know what else to do for him.  His five month pictures don't do him justice because in every one he has this same crazy sleep deprived look on his face. Night time sleep is wonderful, which makes the lack of naps even more confusing. 

 I feel so bad for him when I see these huge eyes.  I know that he is crazy tired but he just won't sleep.  I used to be able to get at least one decent nap in the swing during the day.  Lately not even that has been working.  He might drift off for about 20 minutes, but that's it.  I'm busting out the Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child book.  I need help.
Other than that he is fantastic.  He is drooling and growing like crazy.  I think I can see two little teeth on the bottom that are just about to break through - which I'm sure are not helping our no nap situation.  His favorite toy int he world right now is his Nuby teething keys, especially when momma remembers to put them in the freezer. 

Jack still eats pretty frequently during the day and I'm beginning to think about what foods I want to start him on when he hits that six month mark.  In some ways starting solid foods is so much fun.  It other ways is causes me great stress.  I'm determined to enjoy it more this go around. 

Jack is still his sweet little self.  He loves to babble to me when I talk to him and he watches every move his big brothers make - which can make for some interesting nursing sessions when Will or Max are running around.  He hasn't quite gotten his feet to his mouth yet, but I'm sure its coming and I can't wait.

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