Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Four Month Check Up

Last Friday Jack and Iheaded to see Dr. Joe for his four month check up.  He seemed to be growing like crazy, so I couldn't wait to see how much he had grown since his two month check up.  Considering he nine month clothes are getting really snug I knew he had grown quite a bit.  I was right!  My little, or not so little, man tipped the scales at 17lb 11oz - 95th percentile - and measured 27 1/4 inches long - over the 95th percentile.  He is bigger than either of the other boys were at four months.

Dr. Joe said that Jack was the picture of health.  He told us that Jack will be rolling over before we know it and he needs to go back to see the doctor again at six months.  It just seems like my baby is growing up so fast.  It makes me a bit sad, but at the same time I'm so excited to watch him grow.   

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