Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy Birthday to Max!

Is it really possible that my little boy is five?  I can't believe he has been a part of our lives for five years.  It seems like just yesterday we were hoping and praying for our family of two to grow.  Then again, I can't imagine what life was like before Max.

We celebrated tonight with a family dinner at Max's favorite restaurant.  He loves their cheese and crackers.  Once we got home it was time to enjoy the birthday cupcake from Bread Co.  Max picked out that big #5 candle at Party City this weekend.  It was about twice the size of his cupcake and he loved it! 

Once we were finished with the birthday cupcake Max was ready to open the fun package that he noticed on the counter this morning.  Since Christmas he has been asking for Stompeez.  He was very specific that he wanted the crocodile variety.  He was thrilled to open his box and find his very own pair of Stompeez inside.  It took a while, but he finally figured out how to make them open their mouths when he walked.  I'm not sure how much wear they will get, but they sure made him smile tonight.

We are so fortunate to have Max in our lives.  He has a huge heart and he cracks me up every day.  God knew exactly what he was doing when he sent Max to Brian and I.  He is a prefect fit for our family and we love every minute we get to spend with him.   

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