Sunday, March 10, 2013

Magic House

What a dreary weekend.  We have all been a bit stir crazy spending so much time inside so we decided to head to the Magic House.   I guess we weren't the only ones with that idea today.  It was packed! 

Will had a great time playing with the instruments while Max went up and down Jack's Beanstalk.  I swear he can climb up and down that thing faster than I can do the steps - although these days that isn't saying much.

Both boys enjoyed playing in the Magic School Bus exhibit.  It was all about weather.  Max thought it was pretty cool that he could make a burst of air to move the cloud on the ceiling.  That is until some crazy dinosaur character approached him.  He wanted nothing to do with that guy. 

All of the buttons at the weather creation area were great fun for Will.  I don't think he quite figured out that when he mixed a cold front with a hot front there was severe weather - but he sure liked those buttons!  We had to drag him away.

The Little Bit of Magic area was another big hit.  I liked it because there weren't such huge kids mowing down my littlest one.  The mulch pit was a lot of fun.  Max worked those trucks like a pro.  Will tried to get the hang of scooping up the mulch and putting it on the truck.  He decided it was more fun to run around and laugh giggle at us through the glass.

Hopefully mother nature will relent soon and we will begin to feel some  springlike weather.  This never ending winter stuff is really starting to get old. 

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