Monday, June 25, 2012

Yearly Stats

I was going through some paperwork this morning and I found the sheets from the boys' yearly check ups. While this may not make very interesting reading for my few, but faithful, followers I do want to list their stats so that I have them later. Sometimes I wonder why this seems so improtant, but it does. . .

Max - 4 Year Stats
  • Weight - 39 pounds 8 ounces - 80th percentile
  • Height - 42 3/4 inches - above the 95th percentile

Will - 1 Year Stats

  • Weight - 20 pounds 3 ounces - 15th percentile
  • Height - 30 1/2 inches - 70th percentile

My little men continue to be long and lean. I was glad that Will was back on his growth curve and didn't dip down again like at nine months. I think we are over the hump and hopefully his weight will continue to creep up.

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