Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Lights

The stockings may not be hung with care quite yet, but the lights are! Brian and I started the lights while both boys were napping and after Max woke up he joined in on the fun. Daddy even let him climb a step or two on the ladder - Max has been very excited about the ladder. Last Christmas we had been in the house for less than a month, so I was just happy to get a tree up. This year Max is all excited and we are hosting Christmas Eve, so I feel like we need to step it up a notch or two.

Will woke up just in time to see the finished product and pose for a picture. I love that Will is wearing a little Truman State jacket. This was the first piece of baby gear I bought when I was pregnant with Max. It has special meaning since Truman is where Brian and I met. It is hard to believe that we met so long ago. I swear I can't imagine my life without any of these three very special boys.

Tomorrow morning should be lots of fun. We are meeting my Aunt and Uncle at St. Ambrose for 9am mass and then we will head to the gym for breakfast with Santa. I'm curious to see how the boys react to the big man in the red suit. So far I think Max is just excited that we will get to have pancakes - it's his favorite.

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