Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Two Months Old

What is it about a sleeping baby that is so darn cute? Is it the innocence? Is it the idea that this little person has their whole life ahead of them to do great things? Or is it just the fact that those chubby cheeks look even cuter when babies are asleep?

Two months in and Will continues to be his sweet little self. He is in fact so sweet that I often find myself looking at him and thinking 'I could do three kids. . . ' He is more and more aware of what is going on around him. He lights up when he hears mommy, daddy, or big brother speak. Nonna noticed that Will turned his head as soon as Max walked into the room the other day. I'll take that to mean that Will just loves his big brother. Will is content most of the time and we hear lots of cute little coos coming from him. His hands are open more often now, as opposed to balled up in little fists. I can tell that he wants to bat at things, but he doesn't quite have the coordination to get it done. He is also a huge fan of the binky. Sometimes I think this is great because it is an easy way to soothe him. Other times I worry about weaning him off of the binky down the line. Max wasn't much of a binky guy so I never really had to worry about this. We have Will's two month check up next Tuesday and I'm curious to see how he has grown.

Since Max has therapy on four days a week we are trying to make his day off special. The goal is to go on 'field trips' every Wednesday. Today we began with a trip to our favorite place, the Museum of Transportaion. I'm sure by the number of posts I write about this place you can tell we like it. It isn't too crowded, it is fairly close to home, there are indoor and outdoor activities and best of all we have a membership so every visit is free. Max was more excited about the visit than Will. Max even made the little animal in a train car craft they had set up - he was all excited that he could use tape. Will just hung out in his stroller and in my arms. He loves being outside and it was an absolutely beautiful morning to be outdoors.

Brian is off next Wednesday so I'm trying to think of our next field trip location. Maybe Grants Farm or Purina Farms. . .

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