Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two Month Check Up

So it was actually his two month, seven day check up but who is keeping track? We headed to Dr. Goldenberg's office yesterday morning to see how our baby Will is growing. Dr said everything was on track perfectly and that Will is taking his job of gaining weight very seriously. In fact Will tipped the scales at 13 lb 9 oz - a full SEVEN pounds over his birth weight. He also measured 23 in long - three and a half inches over his birth height. He really is growing like crazy!

The doctor said Will looked great, he is meeting all his milestones appropriately and we just need to come in again at four months. I'm almost scared to see what he will weigh at that point! Then came the tough stuff. Will got three shots in his chubby little thighs - I keep telling myself that all that chub made them hurt less, but based on his screams I don't really think that is the case. Will was pretty fussy last night, but seems to be doing much better today.

Grant's Farm

I just love Grant's Farm! We boarded the tram and Max could hardly contain his excitement. The animals didn't pay too much attention to us as we drove through the deer park and I have to say that the most common animal was the MO white tail deer - which we see daily in our back yard. We exited the tram and headed into the goats! Max and I had a great time feeding these greedy little creatures while Daddy and Will stood outside the fence watching. The goats did get the better of Max once and knocked him down, but I'm happy to report that he didn't end up in tears like last year.

As we explored the rest of the animals Max just kept asking to ride the train again. It was a little early to sample the beer so we took a look at the horses and headed back on the tram.

It was a beautiful day and another great field trip Wednesday!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Smiles and Hands

Will is still being a little stingy with his smiles but I was able to catch a couple 'almost smiles' on camera. As soon as the red-eye reduction light flashes he stops smiling, so it is really tough to get a good picture of it.

He has also discovered his hands. They are always in his mouth now! Doesn't he look cute in his little monkey overalls? I'm loving pulling out Max's old six month clothes. I swear Max only wore this size for about a month, so they didn't get enough wear. We are going to make up for that this time around.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Two Months Old

What is it about a sleeping baby that is so darn cute? Is it the innocence? Is it the idea that this little person has their whole life ahead of them to do great things? Or is it just the fact that those chubby cheeks look even cuter when babies are asleep?

Two months in and Will continues to be his sweet little self. He is in fact so sweet that I often find myself looking at him and thinking 'I could do three kids. . . ' He is more and more aware of what is going on around him. He lights up when he hears mommy, daddy, or big brother speak. Nonna noticed that Will turned his head as soon as Max walked into the room the other day. I'll take that to mean that Will just loves his big brother. Will is content most of the time and we hear lots of cute little coos coming from him. His hands are open more often now, as opposed to balled up in little fists. I can tell that he wants to bat at things, but he doesn't quite have the coordination to get it done. He is also a huge fan of the binky. Sometimes I think this is great because it is an easy way to soothe him. Other times I worry about weaning him off of the binky down the line. Max wasn't much of a binky guy so I never really had to worry about this. We have Will's two month check up next Tuesday and I'm curious to see how he has grown.

Since Max has therapy on four days a week we are trying to make his day off special. The goal is to go on 'field trips' every Wednesday. Today we began with a trip to our favorite place, the Museum of Transportaion. I'm sure by the number of posts I write about this place you can tell we like it. It isn't too crowded, it is fairly close to home, there are indoor and outdoor activities and best of all we have a membership so every visit is free. Max was more excited about the visit than Will. Max even made the little animal in a train car craft they had set up - he was all excited that he could use tape. Will just hung out in his stroller and in my arms. He loves being outside and it was an absolutely beautiful morning to be outdoors.

Brian is off next Wednesday so I'm trying to think of our next field trip location. Maybe Grants Farm or Purina Farms. . .

Thursday, June 16, 2011

8 Weeks Old

Wow, time is flying by. It has just been me and the boys for almost two weeks now and we are slowly but surly establishing a routine. It helps us that Max has speech four days a week so we have that to look forward to. Today the boys looked too cute in their little matching shirts. I bought Max's back when I was pregnant and a family friend gave us Will's onsie as a gift. They just look too cute. I still have a hard time believing that I have not one, but two little boys to love.

Will continues to grow and thrive. He still eats often during the day, but he is spacing things out at night a bit. We usually get at least four hours between feedings and a few nights we got six. I'm looking forward to the time when six hours between feedings is the norm since that means about five hours of uninterupted sleep for mommy. That is if the storms stay away - Max gets pretty scared of storms, so the last few nights when it wasn't Will waking me up it was Max. . . sigh.

Will is also giving out smiles more often, but I have to say he is still a little stingy with them. He loves to look around and has recently developed quite a fondness for the bouncy seat. He has not however developed a fondness for tummy time. It just isn't pretty. I tell him it is good for him, but I don't think he cares what is good for him quite yet.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our Little Tigers

Thanks to Aunt Anna our little boys are well dressed little MU fans. Max picks this shirt out when ever it is hanging in his closet. Will is too young to have preferences yet but he didn't fuss when I dressed him so I will take that as a sign that he likes it.

Ms. Cheryl

For the past three years we have been lucky enough to have an amazing woman take care of Max. I actually taught Cheryl's son in third grade the year I had Max then she began watching Max the following August when I went back to work. He loves her more than you can imagine. Sometimes at home he says "Goodbye, Mommy." When I ask where he is going he tells me "see Cheryl."

She does an amazing job watching these four kiddos. There is structured song, table, and outside time. She sets limits and Max always knows what he can, and cannot get away with. I think most in home care givers just make the kids go along with what they need to accomplish each day. This isn't the case with Cheryl. The kids are her day, she just happens to do her job out of her home.

I'm sad to think that yesterday was officially Max's last day with Ms. Cheryl. She had ice cream to celebrate and I even took a few pictures. I know that Max is going to miss seeing Ms. Cheryl and his little buddies each day. Maybe we will have to visit every once in a while. My little Max Man is just growing up so quickly. I can't believe he will be moving on to preschool in the fall.