Friday, October 10, 2008

Max's New Best Freind

Max has only been sharing the house with the pets since he came home, but I think he just discovered the cat. He loves grabbing him and squeals with delight every time Chewy walks by. I guess Chewy is a little softer than the dog and he is also right on Max's level. Whenever Max sees Chewy he throws his little body at him and grabs on with all his might. When he gets overcome with excitement he tries to take a big bite, but he quickly realizes that cat fur doesn't taste too good. So far Chewy has been a trooper. He just lays there for a while and lets Max go to town. After he has had enough he makes a smooth get away for a while. Thank goodness we have such an easy going cat!

Max continues to do well eating solids he now understands that he needs to close his mouth and swallow the goodies. Speaking of his mouth, there has been a lot of action going on in there. My little man has eight, yes I said eight, teeth! Five of them are completely visible and the other three are just through. One of his top ones looks so sore. I feel bad for him because I know it can't be fun. I have new empathy when he wakes up for a middle of the night nursing session. All of these teeth have thrown an kink in things and he is getting up once every night to eat. I know at this point he can make it through the night and he just wants me for comfort, but with all these crazy teeth I am willing to give it to him. He is growing up so quickly, am not ready to give up some things yet. Although I do have to admit that sleeping for eight hours straight was nice for a while there. I am sure he will be back to that point in a little while. Even though his mouth must hurt like crazy he continues to be a happy little guy. We are so lucky and we count our blessings every day!

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