Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Trip to the Pediatric Optometrist

Well Max had to go see his first specialist today. Over the last couple of months we have noticed what we believe to be an eye turning in a little bit. Since Sarah had eye issues when she was younger we decided to take him to an optometrist today. After being examined, he was diagnosed with Pseudostrabismus. Basically, it is a false turning of the eye. I have attached two links with some more information about it, but he will basically grow out of it by the time he is two.


In addition, during his visit they checked him for corrective lenses. He is far-sided at a pretty high prescription (+4.00). The doctor mentioned that the eyes will self correct some, but we have to go back in a few months and if it hasn't improved greatly, he will get some glasses. Failure to get him glasses could cause his eye to actually turn in. So it will be something that we will be watching closely.

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