Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Half Birthday to Max!

It is so hard to belive that six months ago I was just holding my little man for the first time! Time has just flown by! He has changed so much over the last six months, it is hard to belive he is the same little baby that I first saw. I get lost staring at his big blue eyes and I love how cute his little teeth are!

He has had quite the week. My poor little guy had his first fever on Sunday. Saturday night was the worst night we have had since he was a newborn. He was up from 2am until 6am! The poor guy just wouldn't sleep. I finally brought him into bed with us and he eventually dozed off. When he woke up he had a fever of 100.3. He was miserable! Nothing I could do would make him feel better. We gave him some baby tylenol and he seemed to do a little bit better. His fever was back a few hours later so he had a bit more baby tylenol. All in all it wasn't too awful for his first sickness, but I just felt so bad for him!

Since he had a fever on Sunday he couldn't go to daycare on Monday. We were very lucky that my mom was off, so she watched him all day so Brian and I could both go to work. By the time I picked Max up in the afternoon he was my happy little boy again. All smiles! He seems to be all better now. I did notice that a third tooth is working its way through his little gum, so I think that may have been the culprit.

As you can see from his picture Max is doing better at sitting up every day. He can sit unsupported for brief periods of time. He also likes to spin when he is on him belly. It is pretty funny to watch. He continues to push up on his hands when he is on his tummy and he gets his cute little tush in the air sometimes. Before I know it he will be scooting all over the place!

We have his six month check up on Saturday. I can't wait to see how much more he has grown. I think he is begninng to slow down a bit, but I do think we will find that it is time to move him to his big boy car seat! I guess we will have to put that on Daddy's to do list for this weekend!

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