Sunday, July 31, 2022

This is 14

 Wow.  How is my baby boy 14?  I swear we were just bringing him home from the hospital.  Years ago I was complaining to a mom friend that Max is up at the crack of dawn every day.  She has four boys and promised me that before I know it I would need to drag Max from bed.  I didn't believe her at the time, but wow as she right.  Max would sleep until noon each day if left to his own devices.

He loves  playing video games with his friends.  He enjoys his time with boy scout and has attended a couple venturing activities that he loved.  He impresses us with his saxophone and always beats dad at chess.  I swear the child survives on goldfish alone and he is growing like crazy!  Even if I do wish time would slow down, it is pretty amazing to watch the young man he is growing into.

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