Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Serving Others

I love the focus on service in the scouting program.  I want my boys to grow into adults that are willing to do work for the benefit of others and I want them to find a sense of joy and contentment in that work.  We were excited that scouting for food was back this year.  The boys all worked hard to deliver bags one week and pick them up the next.  Because of their efforts food pantries are well stocked.  

They also had an opportunity to serve at The Little Bit Foundation.  This organization provides for basic needs of students that are not met at home. They distribute clothing, shoes, toiletries, and school supplies in disadvantaged schools.  It's a pretty amazing organization and I'm proud my boys were able to take part in helping.

During our visit the boys bagged toiletries and school supplies.  They were so efficient that the employees kept having to find more supplies!  It was a great hands on way for them to help others. 

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