Monday, August 26, 2019

Camp Nonna - The Zoo

Day two included a trip to the zoo with Nonna.  A trip to the zoo is always a good one.  We started at the stingrays. The kids had fun petting and feeding them. 

This guy actually got a little over eager and bit Max.  He had to pull his hand away and actually had a bruise on the end of this finger.  An ice pack helped - and he was even given a stingray tooth as a badge of honor. 

 After the stingrays we waited in line for the train - I have to say I have never had to wait that long before.  The kids were getting a little restless. 

 Eventually we were able to board the train and enjoy the ride.

After the train we checked out the penguins - Jack's very favorite animals.

William climbed up on Phil the gorilla but he was too hot to sit on. 

 We wrapped up our visit by exploring the reptile building.  The kids had a great time seeking out all of the snakes and other animals hiding in their habitats. 

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