Monday, August 26, 2019

Camp Nonna - Meramec Caverns

 One of my very favorite summer traditions is Camp Nonna.  The week before school starts she takes the week off and we make plans for fun outings.  First up this year was Meramec Caverns!  Last time I was there was for my 10th birthday - I got a pink and white striped beach towel and we had Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch :)  I remember counting signs on the drive.  It was so fun to watch my boys do the same thing as we drove to the cave. 

 It was just as great as I remembered!  The boys were great and we had so much fun learning about the cave and the different formations.

We were so glad to have Nonno and our good friend Karen join us for this outing. The end of the tour was slightly less cheesy than I remember. 

 After the tour we had a quick snack before boarding a boat for a cruise along the Meramec River.  I will admit I was slightly panicked.  The boat looked so low in that water!  It was actually really a nice little tour!

The kids loved looking for different animals - we saw so many cute little turtles!

After lunch and ice cream we headed home.  It was a perfect outing to start off our week!

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