Thursday, September 6, 2018

Strings and Pottery

Max chose to attend strings and pottery camp this summer.  Unfortunately, the times weren't the best and both camps ended up being the same week.  Luckily stings was int he morning and pottery in the afternoon. 

Max loves playing his cello and he was super excited to attend the district strings camp again this summer.  He graduated from a 1/4 cello to a 1/2 this year - he is just growing so quickly!  He had a great time at camp and the concert was pretty awesome.  My favorite was The Lion Sleeps Tonight - it was hard not to sing along :)

I was super impressed with the pottery camp program.  It was an intro to wheel class.  The first day Max was feeling a bit discouraged becuase it was tough.  As the week went on he continued to try and was successful.

On Friday Jack and I went up for his exhibit, not knowing what to expect.  I was blown away!  Max taught me how to throw on the wheel!  With his help and guidance I was able to make a bowl and it was so much fun.

Jack wasn't quite ready to throw on the wheel, but he was able to glaze a tile and play with some clay.  It was a great time and I'm sure we will look into more of their arts camps next year.  I loved watching Max learn something new and stick with it when he didn't get it right away.

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