Sunday, May 13, 2018

William's Birthday Party

We had a party for William with friends from school and scouts last weekend.  He ate it up and loved every minute!

 The party was at Skyzone.  We let Max bring a friend as well.  The boys started out at dodgeball.  Max, his buddy, and Jack, against William and all of his friends.  It was pretty fun - and those boys got sweaty!

 The second half of their jump time was spent in the ninja warrior area.  It is brand new and the boys all LOVED it!

My little man made it up that warped wall on the first try!

 This obstacle was a bit tougher - he just couldn't get to that next ball.

 The rope bridge may look easy, but it was anything but.  One wrong shift of our weight and the things spun around and flipped you off.  Max made it almost to the top.

 Before heading to the party room for pizza and cake William's birthday was announced over the loud speaker.  The look of pure joy on his face was priceless.

 Put 12 first grade boys in a small room and things get a little wild.  I absolutely loved how Jack was right int he thick of things.  Look at that little wild man standing on the bench seat and dancing!

 After pizza we had sang and had cake. It was a pretty great party if I do say so myself.

I just love this little man to pieces.  I wonder what he wished for?

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