Thursday, May 24, 2018

School's Out For Summer!

Today was the big day! 

Last day of 4th Grade

Last day of 1st Grade

Last day of preschool - ever!
I never tire of William and is crazy faces.  Luckily he doesn't tire of making them.
I seriously can't even wrap my head around how another school year has passed.  I have officially been a stay at home mom as long as I was a working mom.  

All three boys had a great last day.  According to William it was going to be a great day of  "zero learning"

Jack was all smiles when I picked him up, and his teacher told me that I no longer have a preschooler.  I cried the whole way home.  I'm not ready to send my sweet baby into the big bad world.

We have lots of fun summer plans - summer school, camps, pottery, school of rock, strings.  Throw in a ton of pool days, a ton of Nonna days, and a couple vacations and it's shaping up to be a pretty great summer.  Hopefully come August I'll be more prepared to let my littlest bit head off to kindergarten, but for today I'm wallowing in my sadness. 

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