Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Payne Stewart

I think every 4th grader in the state researches and presents on a famous person from Missouri.  Max chose Payne Stewart, you know, since they both play golf :)

I was thrilled he picked a golfer - I figured it would be a no brianer to dress up in khakis and a golf shirt.  Brian laughed at me and showed me pictures of Payne.  I should have known it wouldn't be that easy!

In the end a trip to the thrift shop and some sewing on my end turned into a pretty great costume.  Max looked the part!

He also presented all about Payne to audience members in a open house style event at school.  Nonno, Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, and Dad all came to learn from Max.  We were blown a way by the fabulous presentation he gave.  He did amazing!!

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