Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Oh, Christmas Tree

Saturday afternoon we headed out to pick out that oh so special symbol of Christmas - our tree.  We stopped by a boy scout lot not too far from home.  It was crazy cold so we were all trying to find something as quickly as possible.  The prices were crazy - I guess there really is a Christmas Tree shortage this year.  
We set a price point and sought out the best tree for our money.  We ended up with this guy.  I swear it looked a whole lot taller on the lot - although when I see the picture of us with the tree I realize it really wasn't. You probably cant even see it, but the tree is behind us in this picture. 

 Jack was super excited to put the star on top. He just needed a little bit of help from his daddy to get the job done. 

William wouldn't take a picture, but Max posed nicely, I think he just liked that he is almost as tall as the tree.  Part of me felt like I should trim the top of the tree because it looks a little ridiculous - but  then it would be even shorter!  It's not our most impressive tree, but it's all ours :)

Monday, December 10, 2018

Holiday in the Park

 We met up with three other families to check out the lights at Six Flags last night.  It was a cold one, but it was so much fun!

 We started with a ride on the moon cars.  With the big kids all riding together, Jack had the chance to drive all by himself!  This picture is awful and blurry, but his excitement was just too cute not to try to capture.  He also LOVED this green tree.  I think it was the first time he has ever asked to have his picture taken.  You can't really see him too well, but he's there!
We bought some hot cocoa and rode the train around the park to get a look at all of the lights.  I have to say I was impressed with the displays.  There were even timed shows where the lights were coordinated to music.  I may still be thawing out from the cold, but it was worth it. 

Breakfast with Santa

Every year we head to our old parish with family for breakfast with Santa.   Every year it get a bit worse - the food is awful, the lines and ridiculous, and it is crazy crowded.  This year Great Aunt Carm and Great Uncle Mike hosted their own breakfast with Santa and it was a huge improvement.

 The kids got to decorate a gingerbread house.   In all honesty this is the first time they have ever done this and they loved it.  I was so excited to see how well they worked together without fighting about it.

 Jack was super excited about decorating the little gingerbread guy that got glued to the side of  the house.

 We may or may not have squeezed too hard on the icing and split the seam, but that door isn't going anywhere!

 While we were wrapping up our decorations the kids heard a doorbell and a very familiar bell.  Santa arrived!  They were so excited.  One of the kids figured out who that santa is, but he let them know that he was helping out for the day.  I don't think Jack quite realized it.  Jack was so cute and shy.  He whispered to Santa that he wants a BeyBlade Burst.  William had no qualms about asking for a kiddie buzz watch that can text.  Max was a great sport.  He knows the truth and he put on a show for his younger brothers.  His request is A Hat in Time for his xbox.

 I got all three boys to pose with Santa before he headed back to the North Pole.

Camp In

William and I joined other families from his cub scout den at a camp in at the Magic House.  He had been looking forward to this forever and he just could not contain his excitement.  I was a bit concerned at first because the kids were just running all over doing anything they wanted.   William and his buddy made lots of birth certificates for inappropriately named babies.  We had to put an end to the potty talk baby names.

 The boys took out pizza orders and served us well. 

 After an hour and a half of free play we met for orientation.  They explained how our evening would work and then invited in Steve the Reptile guy.  The boys just loved his show. 

 After a 10:30 pizza snack the kids were given a catapult kit.  Each pack had to work together to make a catapult that would shoot the ping pong ball the farthest.  William even got to launch the catapult himself.  They didn't do to shabby - 6th out of 14 groups. 
Finally after the catapults were launched we were able to get our gear and find a place to sleep for the night.  William chose to sleep in the car of this exhibit.  I was worried that he would fall of the seat in the middle of the night, but he didn't.  He slept hard - might have had something to do with the fact that we were up until 1am.  Momma didn't sleep quite as well - or really at all.  But even the lack of sleep couldn't take away from what a great night it was for this guy. 

Movin' On Up!

We are so proud of our man in the middle!  He moved up a level at swimming!  He will now be in the biggest pool and will work on adding breathing to his strokes.  William has done such a great job and worked so hard.   It's amazing to see his pride when his hard work paid off.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Strings Open House

 This is just the cutest little cello player ever :)

We were able to head in to an open house to see the kids progress and it was pretty amazing.  They did a great job.  These kids sound better and better every time we hear them play.  It's pretty impressive. 

 I may have embarrassed him a bit, but I made him pose for a picture before we left.
 The strings teacher mentioned that soon the kids will start picking their classes for middle school next year.  I just can't believe my baby will be a middle schooler before I know it. 

Christmas Traditions - Cinnamon Cut Outs

I'm still not sure if this craft was a success or not, but we had fun so I'm calling it a win.  They are made with applesauce and a whole lot of cinnamon. 


They mixed the ingredients together with a bit of glue.  Then we rolled it out, cut shapes with cookie cutters, and baked them in the over.  We have a whole lot of brown mittens, snowmen, and snowflakes - but they sure smell good.  

 We finish every night with stories and this night Max decided to join Jack and I while we read.  It was pretty cute :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Christmas Traditions - Lights

The Christmas Traditions calandar has been hung and the boys have been all excited to complete their deaily task.  So far we have set up the nativity, hung the stockings, and then last night we hung the outdoor lights. 

 I even went out and bought some colored lights since they all think my pretty white light are boring.  I pretty much supervised while the boys.  Once were finished it was time for some pictures. 

Max and Jack were both pretty great photographers. 

 With the addition of the colored lights we had a couple extra strands of white lights - William asked if he could put them upstairs.  He was so proud of his decorating skills.  Now Jack wants colored lights for his room. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

He's Back!!

Oh my goodness the excitement!  Friday night we read The Elf on the Shelf with the hopes that Elfie would return from the North Pole.  Sure enough, bright and early Saturday morning William and Jack found him!  Silly little elf wrote on a picture with expo marker.  I wonder what else he will do over the next three weeks!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Cahokia Mounds

We had another gorgeous day so we tried to squeeze in one more adventure with the cousins.  We visited Cahokia Mounds!  I don't think I had been there since I was a kid on a field trip.  It was way better than I remembered. 

We explored the visitor center and watched a movie about what they suspect life was like for the Mississipians.  It was pretty fascinating and I think the kids actually learned a bit. 

Then we headed out to climb to the top of Monks Mound.  The views from the top were pretty gorgeous. 

 I just love this picture of Jack and his big cousin, Paisley.  She is so sweet with him and he just adores her.  It melts my heart.

 We topped off the outing with some delicious ice cream from Ted Drews.  I think they liked it :)

Upper Limits

Friday after Thanksgiving was pretty rainy so we were looking for something fun to do inside.  We have never done any sort of indoor climbing facility so I thought it would be fun.  The boys loved it!

The employees got them all hooked up and we listened to them explain how the climbing walls worked.  The boys were pros in no time at all.
The wall Max is on here was pretty challenging.  Those gears move when you put weight on them and make things more difficult.  I was impressed with his determination. 

 A friend once referred to William as a little spider monkey.  I think this is actually pretty accurate.  He did a great job and made it to the top of just about everything.  His favorite was the spider web.

 Jack was excited before he started climbing and couldn't wait to try.  That first obstacle scared him a bit and he didn't seem so sure, but he kept on trying.  By the end of the hour I had to drag him out of the room. 

It was so much fun watching the boys try something that none of them had done before.  They all did a great job and I have a feeling we will be back for some fun over winter break.