Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Oh, Christmas Tree

Saturday afternoon we headed out to pick out that oh so special symbol of Christmas - our tree.  We stopped by a boy scout lot not too far from home.  It was crazy cold so we were all trying to find something as quickly as possible.  The prices were crazy - I guess there really is a Christmas Tree shortage this year.  
We set a price point and sought out the best tree for our money.  We ended up with this guy.  I swear it looked a whole lot taller on the lot - although when I see the picture of us with the tree I realize it really wasn't. You probably cant even see it, but the tree is behind us in this picture. 

 Jack was super excited to put the star on top. He just needed a little bit of help from his daddy to get the job done. 

William wouldn't take a picture, but Max posed nicely, I think he just liked that he is almost as tall as the tree.  Part of me felt like I should trim the top of the tree because it looks a little ridiculous - but  then it would be even shorter!  It's not our most impressive tree, but it's all ours :)

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