Thursday, July 7, 2016


We couldn't head down to the lake without  spending at least on day in the tacky, but oh so fun town of Branson.  We started out with a trip to the fish hatcheries.  The boys loved seeing all the different fish pens.  Best of all was feeding these sweet little fish.  I think we spent $3 on food and that was all we had - they could have kept on going. 

Next we boarded the Duck.  This amphibious vehicle can drive on the road as well as on the water.  The boys weren't too terribly impressed with the duck itself - but they sure did love their quacker.  Mom didn't love them quite as much. 

If I'm honest the ride was a bit underwhelming.  We were only on the lake for about 10 minutes of the 50 minute ride.  The highlight of the ride was that each kiddo was able to drive the boat for a moment or two.

The captain's jokes on the boat were pretty lame, but I have to admit this picture is pretty hilarious.

After a quick dinner we headed to the epitome of Branson fun - the go kart track.

We started out small with bumper boats.  Will wanted to sit this one out.  Max loved it and Jack had a blast shooting water while mommy steered the boats.  I was shocked at just how soaked I was when the ride was over.

Then we headed to the big kid wooden go kart track.  This track was no joke.  I was a bit shocked that even Jack was big enough to ride as a passenger.

Brian and Max were super fast and had a great time. 

Mom and Jack  went a whole lot slower - we didn't get lapped, but it was close.

William loved it too - luckily we had a friend that was willing to act as his driver. 

The best part of this track was that both big boys were able to drive their own cars on some smaller tracks.  They both did a great job.  There was one minor crash when I distracted Will to take a picture ;)

The day ended with ice cream on the strip.  Pretty much the perfect vacation day all around. 

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