Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Branson Continued

There was just so much fun on vacation that it takes three posts to cover it all.  After our smores night on the beach we knew we needed to come back to let the kids really enjoy the sand and the water.

This little man had so much fun he couldn't take it.  Between the sand and the water, he was in little boy heaven.  He also loved it when he was able to bob in the water with his puddle jumper.

The big boys didn't want to leave the water - unless it was to run away from someone shooting water.  They had so much fun and Will really got a lot more comfortable in the water.  He usually only wants to hang on to mom or dad when in the water.  At the lake he was willing to bob around a bit without holding on to anyone.  Progress.

Mom had some excitement on the lake too.  I took my very first stand up paddle board class - and I didn't fall it!  It was a great workout and I loved every minute of it.  Something I never would have even attempted two years ago!

There is a beautiful place near the resort called Top of the Rock.  We took the golf cart tour and it was perfect.  The boys loved looking at the scenery and yelling at daddy to drive faster. 

 The tour took us through a little cave - that had a bar - and around several different waterfalls.  The views were beautiful!

Like father like son, right?

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