Friday, May 29, 2015

The Zoo

Our first week of summer vacation is coming to an end - and we have all survived!  I really hope that is a sign that things are going to go well this summer.

Today was so fun!  We picked up Aunt Anna and headed to the zoo!  This is one of our very favorite places and it's always a good time.  Max was signed up for a class so Aunt Anna took him to class while the little boys and I explored.  Max's class was all about elephants and so he is now an expert!

 The boys and I had fun in the red rocks area of the zoo.  This isn't an area we visit often, so it was a whole new world to them.  Their favorite part, by far, was the giraffe's.  Will even listened as this sweet decent showed him a giraffe vertebrae.  Amazing to know that they have seven, just like we do!
 Jack thought it was pretty fun to get out of the stroller and hang on the fences.  He did this every time I got him out.  He was so proud of himself :)

Will got up close and personal with this bird.  In fact it was almost a little too close for mama's comfort.  I kept imagining the bird pecking Will in the eye.  Luckily it was a sweet little bird because Will thought it was just the greatest thing ever.

Jack though the pengins were the funniest things ever.  They were pretty active outside and he would have clmibed int he water with them if he could have.

We couldn't possibly go to the zoo without riding the train.  After we picked Max and Aunt Anna up from class that is what we did.  We had perfect timing becuae it started to drizzle just as we reached our last station.  

 After the train we got a snack before heading home for the day.  I love that Anna is back home since she is done with school.  The boys just adore her and it makes outings so much more fun when she joins us.  I'll have to make lots of plans with her this month because she just got her first full time job!  We are so incredibly proud of the boys' Aunt Anna.  She will do great things!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Butterfly House

Our local library has a reading club every summer and this year they have taken it to a whole new level.  The kids earn points for their reading as in years past. They can also earn points by attending library events and visiting community attractions.  This morning we were on a mission to find our very first secret code. . . at the Butterfly House!

Luckily some extra hands came along to help in the form of Nonna and Nonno.  It made the visit all the more fun.  It was a beautiful morning for it too!

 Outside the Butterfly House are these two giant sculptures.  The kids had a great time climbing in and crawling through the caterpillar.  Jack thought the mouth was a slide and yelled "weeee" as he entered.  Max said he was going to turn into caterpillar poop.  Boys. . . .
 Before we entered Will was content to climb through the sculpture but he wasn't willing to climb on top like Max.  As we left he was feeling a bit braver and he climbed on top with help.  Before we knew it he was walking across the caterpillar's back like it was no big deal.  It is so fun to see the boys accomplish a new feat, no matter how small.

 Everyone had fun looking at all the bugs on display.  Of the three boys I think Jack was the most excited.  He just kept squealing with delight at everything he saw.  It was pretty adorable. 
The big boys found the special library activity - making a bug rubbing.  I love the way Max bites his lip when he concentrates.  Will took a few tries until he could press quite hard enough, but he got it.
 We explored the outdoor butterfly garden and the boys loved it.  The water was the main attraction, and I'm just glad that no one fell it.  Jack was so cute yelling hi and bye to the water.  It was almost like he thought it would reply if he yelled loud enough.
 Once we entered the Butterfly House the kids were all in awe.  It really is amazing to have thousands of butterflies fluttering about as you wander through the paths.  The big boys wanted to see if a butterfly would land on them if they sat really still.  That lasted about five seconds :)

Even though none landed on them they still got to see them up close and it really was beautiful.  Now I need to look at the library website to see what other outings we can try because this one was fabulous!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Strawberry Picking

What a beautiful morning!  We loaded up this morning and headed to Eckert's - our very favorite pick your own farm in town.

 On the agenda for the morning - strawberry picking!  These sweet red berries are pretty tasty but a bit hard on the knees top pick.  The boys didn't seem to mind one bit.
 Jack loved eating berries right off the plant and it was adorable to watch.  Last year at this time he wasn't quite walking yet so he just plopped down and we had to bring the berries to him.
 Today he was totally self sufficient.  He could get all the berries on his own and he was pretty proud of himself.
 The big brothers took their picking job very seriously.
 This little grin and laugh . . . it just doesn't get any sweeter.
 Daddy did a pretty good job supervising the berry picking.
Like everything else, Max wanted to pick the most very perfect strawberries.  I think he was so busy picking that he forgot to stop to taste some.
Will on the other hand tasted lots. I had to constantly pick green berries out of Will's box.  For some reason he insisted that the green ones were wonderful. 

 I love watching Brian with the boys.  He is so patient and kind - it just makes me love him all the more
Jack loves giving kisses of any sort.  Every one that ever interacts with him is rewarded with a loud bye bye and a sweet blown kiss.  And I do mean everyone.  Grocery store clerks, random people walking, the teachers at the gym, animals.  It is super adorable.  Today he yelled my name from a row over, leaned in, and puckered up.  Who could possibly resist!?
Another wonderful family outing to remind me of just how fortunate I am. Three happy, healthy boys, and a pretty fabulous hubby to share the journey with :)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Things Will Says

Getting ready for bed tonight.

Will:  When I grow up a nice girl will try to marry me.
Me: That sounds good.
Will: Yeah
Me:  Maybe you will become a Daddy.
Will (with more excitement than I've seen all week):  Yeah!!  I will have lots and lots and lots of babies!!!
Me:  How many?
Will:  I think . . . eight!

I'm documenting this to hold over his head at a later date :)  I promise that poor Jack will have a dedicated blog post soon. 

It's Official. . .

Max is a second grader!  His last day of school was today and he was all excited when he came home.  It was only a half day and he was quick to inform me that they didn't learn anything.  They had a class meeting - that makes me wish I was still in the classroom.

Over the past week his amazing teacher had the kids vote on one of their classmates for all of these different categories. Mr and Mrs. Kind, Future Teacher, Future Scientist, Future President, Never Giving Up, Fastest Runner. . . and the list goes on and on.   Max was super proud when he showed me that he was voted Mathlete - "you know mom, like an athlete, but with math."  The grin on his face was just priceless!  Have I said that LOVE his teacher?!

I'm so incredibly proud of Max and the young boy he has become.  He works hard and is getting better everyday about sticking with things even when they are tough.  He has grown so much this year in all areas, socially, emotionally, and academically.  It's an honor to watch.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Max the Tiger Cub

 Thursday night Max had his last pack meeting.  Our den was a bit slow to get started this year, so he just got his Tiger Cub badge.

 He was so proud of his new badge and his special pin.  He keeps talking about the good deed that he is going to do to turn the pin around.

 After the cerermony we headed outside to shoot off some water rockets.  The boys had such a great time!  The rockets really took off and I think their favorite part was when the boys ran around the blacktop trying to catch them as they came back to Earth.  These sweet little boys could have chased rockets all night long.
Max really enjoyed scouts this year.  This past weekend was the family camp out and I think it was even more fun that the one in the fall.  Max is looking forward to all the fun he will have with scouts next year too!

Will's Closing Ceremony

Last Thursday was Will's last day of preschool - at least as a three year old.  Mommy, Daddy, Jack, Nonna, and Nonno were all there for the big day.

 He was so cute up on those risers.  He sang most of the songs.  There were a couple that he seemed to really like.  All that singing wore him out!

After the performance we headed to his classroom for a group picture and his snack.  Jack was just one of the big kids.  He climbed up into a chair and waited for his cookie like everyone else.  I can't believe that before I know it he will be going off to preschool too.  Sigh.  It just goes by too fast.

Happy Mother's Day

We had a fabulous Mother's Day weekend.  We celebrated with Grandma Mindy and Great Grandma Lorainne on Saturday.

Will was learning all about gold from Great Grandma.  He was pretty impressed when she predicted that the golfer would hit hte ball in the air and he did.

 Max loves playing Battleship.  Will gave it a shot too and it was pretty cute.  I remember playing this with my cousins when I was little.  I always lost - I think they cheated.

The boys weren't too into pictures, so this is the best that we were able to get.  Far from perfect, but still pretty close to fabulous.

On Sunday we headed to the Zoo for a fun family outing.  Of course we rode the train and saw lots of animals.  The boys all had a great time and I'm sure there will be many more visits for us this summer.  After the Zoo we headed to Nonna and Nonno's house for a wonderful dinner.  The big boys used all of their big trucks to dig about a 1,001 holes in the yard.  Jack had fun getting into trouble in the house.  We were so busy that I forgot to get any pictures.  I need to work on that.