Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cousin Time

The whole reason behind our visit was to celebrate this little beauty's Baptism.  I feel awful that I forgot my camera didn't get any pictures, but it was wonderful.  She wasn't such a fan of the cold water, but she loved looking at the candle.  It was so fun to hold a baby again.  They grow up so quick!

There was lots of cousin time on Sunday.  We me my cousins, Aurelio and Marichu, for breakfast.  We spent some time at the park before heading out to Happy Hollow.  It was so fun to watch the boys interact with their Uncle Butch and Aunt Marichu!  They had so much fun.  I think Brian liked it too - Butch gave Brian's shoulders a break.

There were also little cousins to play with.  These six were such busy little ones exploring everything!  The fort was a bit hit with it's huge slide and lots of climbing options.

Max in particular had so much fun with Bridget and Sean.  He didn't want to come back home!  Every morning when he woke up he would ask if we were going to see his cousins and he couldn't wait to get there if we were.  It was cute how easily they got along - particularly Max and Sean.  Max can be a bit shy, but he instantly took to his cousin and they played together for hours.

In addition to the fort and few animals, there were ride.  Including this roller coaster.  I am not a fan of roller coasters - at all.  Max must take after me because he had no interest it in.  Will the thrill on the other hand lived up to his name.  He LOVED it!  He threw his hands in the air and laughed as laughed as they raced around the track.   I see many more rides like this in his future.

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