Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Track

Nonno Mason loves the horse races.  I think it is all the statistical analysis that appeals to him.  Sometimes when we are at Nonna and Nonno's house Max will sit on the couch and watch the horse races on tv with him.  Well last week the boys got to see the real thing!

Nonna and Nonno packed them up and drove to the racetrack and stayed for three races.  The kids got an up close view of the horses - in fact Max told me all about how each horse has a tattoo on its gums that is used for identification. The boys had a great time and I'm so glad they were able to go on this fun adventure.  If I'm honest it was also pretty nice to just have one kid to take care of while they were out and about.  I almost didn't know what to do with myself.  I guess that is a preview of what it will be like once the school year starts for Max and Will!

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