Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Day of First Grade!

 Can my little baby really be a first grader already?  It just doesn't seem possible.  I'm a bit behind and his first day was actually last Tuesday.  He has a week under his belt and so far so good.  His teacher is really young - I swear she looks about 12.  I think I'm just getting older :) 

It has been nice to get back into the routine of walking to the bus stop twice a day.  Max is always thoughtful when it comes to Jack and he loves pushing his brother in the stroller.  Will thinks its fun because he has more of my attention while his brothers walk ahead. 
We were a little sad that Max has a new bus driver.  We loved Bob, his driver from last year.  This lady had some big shoes to fill.  She started off a bit rough - in fact they were 45 minutes late coming home the first day.  Let me tell you, waiting at the corner with no toys, no snacks, and two little boys for a hour is rough.

Little by little it has been getting better.  She is pretty much on time now.  Max is excited in the afternoon because he has had some homework.  We will see if that lasts.

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