Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy Birthday, Baby Jack!

 I can't believe it has been a year since I first held this sweet baby boy in my arms.  It feels like he was just born yesterday, but then again I can't imagine our family without him.  Jack changed us from a family of four to a family of five - he completed us.

This morning the little boys and I celebrated by going to our play class.  Jack was Mr. Independent.  He just crawled and climbed all over everything!  It was so much fun to watch him explore.  He has been a bit slow on some gross motor skills, in fact until this week he wasn't pulling all the way up to standing.  That isn't the case any more.  He loves his new found trick and practiced it over and over this morning.  

This afternoon I baked a cake so that we could sing to sweet baby Jack - after all what is a birthday without a bit of singing.  Both Max and Will took turns blowing out the candle.  Jack didn't seem to mind too much and was happy to let his big brothers in on the fun. 

Jack enjoyed his first taste of cake before getting a bath and heading to bed.  I still can't believe how much he has changed and grown this year.  He has gone from an adorable, but helpless, little newborn  to a clever, loving, sweet baby boy.  I'm going to avoid calling him a toddler until he is officially walking.  While I love watching him grow, I want to keep him by baby just a little bit longer. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Will!

Is this little rough and tumble man really three years old today?  I just can't believe that its been three whole years since we welcomed him into our family.  I don't remember what life was like before Will came to be. 

 Because of the holiday weekend Max was off school on Friday and Brian and Nonna were off work.  We took advantage of the time off to enjoy the Magic House.  Usually this is not our favorite place, but it was empty and we had so much fun!  We even saw the Easter Bunny!
 One of Will's favorite things to do is pretend.  He loves to help and do things that he sees us doing.  There was a special exhibit that allowed him to do just that.  Just like Syd the Science Kid he was able to play with pulleys, drive a car, and work in the kitchen.  He loved it! 
We also explored the construction area which I had never seen before.  The kids were able to wear hard hats while they drove the digger and helped to build a house.  Will waited forever to climb up on the digger for his turn.
 We tried to get a picture of all three boys.  I guess maybe someday these types of pictures will work out.  For now this is the best I could get.
Although I do have to throw in this super cute shot of Max and Jack.  Jack's smile just shouts pure joy and I love it.

Today we had a pretty low key day - after our busy weekend it was just what we needed.  I just can't believe how big he is.  He isn't a toddler anymore - he is a little boy!

Will is so full of spunk and personality.  His expressions never cease to make me smile.  He has so much passion for life and he loves living it to the fullest.  He loves spending time outside and always wants to help.  If  I take the dog outside he wants to be right there with me.  Watching him play with Jack is hilarious.  Will gets all excited to play with Jack. . . that is until Jack touches something Will is playing with then all bets are off and he says that he "No love playing with Baby Jack."  Little by little I can tell that he is getting ready to spread his wings a bit.  He loves our weekly play classes at the early childhood center.  I know that he will thrive when he starts preschool in the fall.

Tonight we are going out to dinner then we will come back home for cake and presents.  It's fun because he seems to understand the whole birthday thing a little bit this year. 

This little man can push my buttons and he keeps me on my toes more than the other two boys combined.  But he also makes me smile more than I could ever imagine and watching him live life in such a passionate way reminds me of what really is important.  I love him more than words can say and I can't wait to see what he has in store for the years to come.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful weekend to celebrate the holiday.  The boys were thrilled to find their Easter baskets this morning.  It was so cute!  When Brian was little their baskets were hidden every year, so we are keeping up with the same tradition.  Jack's was in plain view but it took the two big boys a few minutes to find their baskets.  After breakfast we headed to mass - which was crazy crowded!

After nap we headed over to Aunt Carm and Uncle Mike's to celebrate.  The big boys had been talking about the party all week and they were so excited.  Jack had fun too.  I even got a picture of him with his sweet godparents on his first Easter.

Both Max and Will loved the backyard egg hunt.  Max was one quick little man!  Will didn't do too badly either considering there were three bigger boys to compete against.  Like I said before the day couldn't have been any more perfect!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Great Egg Drop

This afternoon was absolutely gorgeous and we went to the best egg hunt ever!  There were 20,000 eggs laid out in a grid with different sections for each age bracket.  That wasn't quite enough though, a helicopter came and dropped another 10,000 eggs.  It was pretty crazy.
 Max thought he was pretty funny while we waited for things to begin.  He has been to an egg hunt or two before and he knew that candy would be in his future.

 Then Will wanted to get in on the basket on the head action too.  He always wants to be just like his big brother!

 Before we knew it the time came for Will and Daddy to head out to the 1-3 hunt.  He wasn't so sure, but when he heard there might be tootsie roll in the eggs he was willing to give it a shot.  Will was so excited to open all his eggs while we waited for the next big event.

Will was even kind enough to share a bit of his candy with Max.  The boys were so patient while we waited for the big drop.  We talked about the helicopter at the egg hunt all week, so they were pretty excited about it.

The look on Max's face was he watched the helicopter drop the eggs was priceless. I have to admit that it was pretty crazy.  The helicopter hoovered just about 100 feet above the ground and dropped bag after bag of eggs on the field.  Max couldn't wait for his chance to run out and hunt them down. He didn't disappoint.  Considering this was his first egg hunt on his own he did great!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Things Will says. . .

This boy is so full of spunk and personality that I just can't take it.  He keeps us on our toes and makes us laugh so many times a day that I loose track.  He is talking up a storm and here are just a few of the things he says that made me smile lately. . . .


While driving his cozy coupe around the house:
Will: Me need money Mommy.
Me: Why Will?
Will:  Me go to the fruit snack store Mommy.
Me handing Will pretend money
Will: Tank you Mommy!!

When playing in the living room:
Me:  Do you want to play puzzle with me?
Will:  No mommy, I too busy.
Me:  You are too busy?
Will: Oh, yes mommy.  I go work, so busy Mommy.
I shake my head while he gets into his cozy coupe
Will:  Bye bye Mommy.  I be back next week.

While I'm trying to prep dinner and Will driving around in his cozy coupe:
Will:  What you doing Mommy?
Me: Making dinner.
Will: Okay Mommy.  I pull up and help.
Will pulls his cozy coupe up right next to the stove and right in the middle of where I'm working
Me:  What are you doing.
Will:  I pull up and help Mommy,

While playing with markers at the kitchen table:
Will:  I love this house Mommy.  I just love this house!
Me: Me too, Buddy
Will: Yeah

When I'm putting the leash on Sierra to take her outside (he knows he can only go out if he has shoes on):
Will:  I go too Mommy!
Me:  You should stay inside with Jack.
Will:  No Mommy.  I go to . . . I have shoes on!

In the car on the way home from Max's swimming as we are about to get on a major road near home:
Will:  I no love this highway Mommy!
Me:  Buddy we need to go this way to get home.
Will:  But I no love this highway.  I love that highway Mommy (while he points at a random road we pass)

When I'm trying to leave his room after singing our bedtime songs:
Me:  Goodnight Will.  I will see you in the morning.
Will: No go Mommy!  I will miss you!
Me climbing back in to lay down with him for just a few more minutes.  How could anyone resist that.

Anytime he plays with Jack is just so cute!  He does everything he can to make Jack laugh and then he proudly shouts out that "Me make Baby Jack laugh!"  He also can't wait to Max to get home every afternoon.  He asks me over and over if it is time for the bus yet.

Will has grown so much since I have been home.  He listens to most  - well a lot - of what we say.  He is happy and full of passion for life.  While his energy and spunk can wear me out sometimes, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I love this little guy so much!