Friday, February 28, 2014

Ten Months Old

Has it really been ten months?  I guess so.  Or at least it would be tomorrow and since there isn't a 29th this month I'm calling him 10 months old today. 
This poor little guy has had a bit of a rough week.  Last Sunday and Monday he just didn't seem to be himself.  He wasn't feverish, but he wasn't eating or playing the way he usually does.  I took him to see Dr. Joe just to make sure it wasn't an ear infection.  Poor guy just had a virus.  It kicked into high gear and our poor baby woke up at 4:30 on Tuesday morning with a 101.4 fever.  He was just pitiful.  Luckily it seemed to be short lived and he is back to his sweet, playful little self.

Other than his bout of sickness Jack continues to grow and thrive.  He crawls all over the place and he loves his music table.  He also loves the train table, but his brothers don't seem to like it quite as much.  Will brings other toys over to try to distract Jack and I often hear him telling Jack to play with his own toys. 

Jack has an uncanny ability to find anything disgusting on the floor no matter how many times a day a sweep.  It makes me crazy!  I'll turn around and he looks at me and I can just tell there is something in that cute little mouth of his because he refuses to smile or laugh.  If it wasn't so gross it would actually be kind of funny.

We have had lots of fun the past few Friday's attending a family fun class at our school districts early childhood center.  The classes have been fabulous.  The boys love playing with all the new toys, singing songs, and exploring the table activities that the teachers set up.  The past two weeks little Jack has seemed to be showing some signs of separation anxiety.  He is okay around at home, but when we get to class he doesn't want to be more than about two feet from him.  At least I know he loves his momma, right?

Will loves the class too.  Today's theme was sticky icky.  He played with this flubber for the longest time.  he just kept stretching it and trying to pull it apart.  He also made the prettiest little painting with colored corn syrup.  I love that we get to do all these crazy messy activities without getting our house crazy messy!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Astronaut Dance

Okay I have a disclaimer on this post.  This is from the summer of  2011 and I just found the unpublished post in my drafts.  At the time I couldn't get the video to work, but somehow it just did so I had to post it.  I had forgotten all about this!

Max loves His speech therapist introduced him to the website at one of his sessions. Now he begs to play ABC's on the computer in the evening.
It is totally worth it to let him have the computer because he does the astronaut dance. This is seriously the funniest thing ever!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Last night we celebrated Daddy's big day.  Will helped me bake the cake while Max was at school and Max made the cutest card ever to give to Daddy. 

Brian was stuck at work a bit late, so by the time he got home to two littlest men were all bathed and ready for bed.  Poor Will had just fallen off the chair moments before this picture was taken, so he wasn't too willing to smile.

Baby Jack really loved it.  He was very determined to grab those candles, but luckily Daddy was a bit quicker.  Max was all excited to help blow out the candles.  It is so funny how our lives had changed.  Before a birthday meant a nice meal at a wonderful restaurant. Now they mean a box cake made and iced by the kids and an off key version of Happy Birthday sung at 6:30 pm.  I wouldn't trade it for anything, and I don't think Brian would either - although I do hope to still get out to dinner just the two of us soon.  Happy Birthday Honey!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hint of spring?

Oh my, this has been one heck of a winter.  This whole stay at home mom thing is really, really tough these days.  We are all stir crazy and can't wait for spring to arrive.  Today things began to feel almost spring like.  The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and this guy was in heaven!

 We put on jackets and headed out for a few minutes after nap.  He couldn't wait to stop in the slushy snow that remains on our walkway.  The fact that his pants got soaked up to his knees - that part didn't matter.  All that mattered to him was that he got to be outside for a bit.
This isn't the best picture of our little Jack, but he really enjoyed our outside time too. Who can blame him.  I'm about ready to start counting down to spring.  What is it five more weeks?  

Monday, February 10, 2014

Growing Up

There are moments when I look at the boys and think 'When did that happen?'  It is so fun to watch them grow and learn.  So what are they up to. . .

Max and Will are playing - as in together!  I feel like I'm seeing glimpses of what the future could hold.  Yesterday they were playing cars at the garage and it was adorable.

Will: "Me car need gas, Max."
Max: "Come on over to the gas station and I'll fill you up."
Will: "Okay Max!"

I love hearing Will say Max's name.  For the longest time it just sounded like Ma.  Now he has the x sound on the ending and it is just too cute.  He idolizes Max and wants to do everything Max does.  Every day there are more and more moments when that actually works out and Will is able to at least attempt to do what big brother does.  I can trust the two of them to play together in the basement for short amounts of time without too much worry.  Granted they do get out a million and one toys, but at least the mess is hidden downstairs.

Whether the two of them are playing golf in the house, racing the Cozy Coupe around, or just talking the big boys are becoming more than just brothers - they are becoming friends. 

And as for this guy all I can say is Wow.  His infectious little giggle just makes my heart melt.  Every day he learns something new and it is so much fun to watch.  He is beginning to get into things more and more.  We have been working on pulling up and he can get up to his knees on his own.  His legs seem to be getting stronger when we work on standing up.  He even shows off and holds on with just one hand sometimes. 

 He just loves this busy block.  He can play with it for quite a while before he moves on to the next toy.   His crawling is improving and he uses a combo of traditional crawling as well as army crawling to get to what he wants.  I have a feeling the army crawl will be phased out soon, but he still have a tough time staying up on his hands and knees when he gets to the hardwood.  They just slide right out from under him. Doesn't he look so grown up in his big boy overalls?  I love it!