Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Every night before bed Max says his prayers.   We also thank God for our day and ask him to watch over all of our family.  Last night he added an extra prayer.  He wanted God to help the sick little boy feel better.  When I asked who was sick, he told me a little boy at Sam's but he didn't know his name. 

After tucking Max in I called Nonna because Max had gone to Sam's with her earlier in the day.  Sure enough there was a little boy in line behind them coughing and he told Max he was sick.  I just love the way Max thinks of others.  He is growing into such a caring individual with a huge heart.  I'm so proud of the person he is becoming.

Congratulations to Aunt Anna

Last weekend - or actually it may have been two weekends ago - we had the honor of celebrating 'Aunt' Anna's college graduation.  We are so incredibly proud of her!  She graduated from Mizzou with the highest of honors with a degree in communications disorders.  Her three little tigers were super excited to help her celebrate, although by the time this picture was take Will was about to crash he was so tired.  In fact he plopped his cute little butt on the sidewalk halfway to the car and refused to go any farther. 

She just started graduate school last week, and we can't wait until she is out there helping kiddos like Max.  Max's speech therapists have been total godsends.  They helped to give our little boy a voice and it has made all the difference in the world.  He is growing into a confident, kind, and vocal little boy and I know that they played a huge hand in that.  I know that Anna will make that same difference in the lives of many little boys and girls down the line. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kindergarten Jump Start

On Monday morning I dropped Max off at his elementary school for Kindergarten jump start.  It is a three week program designed to get the kids comfortable with school routines and other kids - I bet it also gives the teachers a bit of help as they make their class lists for the fall.  Brian and I were thrilled to send Max.  We have no reservations about his academic skills, but we do want to give him every opportunity to meet kids before school starts in August.  He can be pretty shy, so having some familiar faces come August 13th will really help him with the Kindergarten transition.

It is day three and it has been a huge success!  He was super excited to ride the bus - in fact he told me that was the best part of his day.  I'm so glad we signed him up!  It also gives me a bit of a break so that I just have the two little boys.  This way Will gets a bit of fun mommy time - not to mention baby Jack time.  He was so excited to hold his baby brother.  I even think they look a bit alike in this picture.  Sweet boys.

The Big Truck Show

Grandma and Grandpa had a great idea for an outing with the boys this past Sunday - the Big Truck Show at Kemp Auto Museum.  I think a better name would have been Little Boy Heaven.  That is exactly what it was for Max and Will.  

 The boys just couldn't get enough.  We went from on vehicle to the next and there was not a single car that we missed. 

 From fire engines, to diggers, to a DeLorean on big tires these boys saw and sat in them all.

 Jack just kinda hung out in his stroller enjoying a nap.  I think the smiles on the boys faces let you know just how much fun they had!

I had to throw in this last picture of Jack.  I feel like it is a much better representation of his cuteness than the two I put in his one month post.  I love this little guy! Oh, and his big brothers too :)