Sunday, October 28, 2012

Soccer Saturday

Max seemed to really enjoy soccer in the spring so we signed him up for the fall session as well.  While he may not be the most coordinated one out there, he does better every week.  He has scored two goals for his team so far this season.  Yesterday morning was freezing, but Nonna Carlotta and Nonno Mason braved the weather to watch Max play.  We had fun cheering him and his teammates on from the sidelines - as long as we were bundled up under our blankets. 

Max didn't seem to be too bothered by the cold.  He had fun running around chasing the soccer ball with the rest of the herd.  Next Saturday is Max's last game.  It has been lots of fun, but part of me is glad becuase it is cold out on that feild early in the morning!

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