Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Fall

Yesterday afternoon Brian raked all the leaves to the curb grass for pick up this week.  This afternoon the boys had a great time making a big old mess of Brian's nice neat pile.  At first Will wasn't so sure about the pinchy leaves, but after just a few minutes he was loving it.  It was so much fun! 

Soccer Saturday

Max seemed to really enjoy soccer in the spring so we signed him up for the fall session as well.  While he may not be the most coordinated one out there, he does better every week.  He has scored two goals for his team so far this season.  Yesterday morning was freezing, but Nonna Carlotta and Nonno Mason braved the weather to watch Max play.  We had fun cheering him and his teammates on from the sidelines - as long as we were bundled up under our blankets. 

Max didn't seem to be too bothered by the cold.  He had fun running around chasing the soccer ball with the rest of the herd.  Next Saturday is Max's last game.  It has been lots of fun, but part of me is glad becuase it is cold out on that feild early in the morning!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pre-Halloween Festivities

Tonight we had the joy of attending my aunt and uncle's second annual Halloween party.  Just like last year it was a great time.  In fact I think it was even better than last year because Will had so much fun!  Last year he just hung out in someones arms the whole time.  Tonight he was running around like a crazy man with all the big boys.  This family photo is a bit overexposed, but we don't get family shots too often, so I'm throwing it in.

The kids didn't stay still at all.  They ran and ran only taking breaks to grab more food or to write with sidewalk chalk.  

Nonna Carlotta did a great job on Max's dragon costume.  I'm grateful she came to the rescue, I just didn't know how I was going to get it done.  Will was the proud recipient of Max's very first costume - and he made a super cute little blue monster.

Nonna Carlotta also got into the Halloween spirit.  It was hilarious to see her with dark hair.  I swear it has been grey for about as long as I can remember.  Max and Will didn't quite know what do think of their new Nonna.
I have to throw this last picture in because it makes me laugh.  Will and Max weren't too crazy about having their picture taken with cousin Tony.  I just don't think they wanted to stand still long enough.  Too funny.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Yesterday we bundled up and headed to Theis Farm for their annual pumpkinland.  My school as well as Max's school sold tickets so he was all excited that he might see some of his friends from school.  While it was a bit chilly, it was a beautiful day.  We started out on the hay ride.  Both boys loved heading out into the fields to see how all the different vegetables grow.  Max thought it was very cool that the big tractor wheels could make it through all the mud.  After the hay ride Max was ready to try out the really, really, really big slide.  I wasn't sure how he would like it, but he loved it!  He kept running back to stairs to go again. 

Will wasn't too sure about the hay.  He thought it was a bit pinchy.  I think the sun was also a bit bright for his liking.  I think I need to find him a pair of baby sunglasses.  He did think the crazy big pumpkins were pretty neat.

Max also discovered the hay tunnels.  There were two different pyramids built of out hay that had mazes running throughout them.  Max was one brave little boy --- as long as he had daddy's phone to use as a flashlight.  He loved it so much that he even ventured into the tower of terror. 

We left with what Max has named the 'family' pumpkin.  He picked it out himself, and it shows.  It is a tad bit lopsided.  He came home from school today and was all excited about how we should carve it and that we need to buy a candle so it can be a jack-o-lantern.  I think they read a book about carving pumpkins today.

Nonna Day

Last Friday Max was off school because we had teacher meetings.  Max was thrilled because he knew what that meant - a Nonna Day.  Nonna always has some adventure up her sleeve and this one was a biggie.  The Arch.  Max and Nonna took Metrolink downtown and rode the special little tram up to the very top of the arch.  Max loved it!  He was so excited he couldn't be bothered to look at the camera.

 When he got home he couldn't stop telling me about all the barges and tugboats he saw on river.  Max is already talking about what they will do on their next Nonna Day.  He desperately wants to take Metrolink to Fairveiw Heights - only because he saw that it was the last stop on the map.