Friday, February 24, 2012

10 Months Old

I swear I can't catch my breath because I spend all of my time running after this amazing little man. He is just all over the place. I was so anxious to have Will crawl, but now I'm remembering what a pain baby-proofing is. We really need to get on that!

So what else is new at 10 months? Well, we are working to help Will gain a bit more weight, so that means more bottles. Unfortunately, I my pumping can't keep up so we are supplementing with formula. I feel bad admitting it, but I'm really looking forward to hanging up my pump over the next week or two.

Brian and I have decided we have a future musician on our hands. Will just loves music and he has preferences. If a song he likes come on he just dances and dances - you wouldn't believe the moves he was doing in his high chair at the taco store, AKA Chipolte tonight. Too fun!

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