Saturday, January 14, 2012

Visiting Uncle Mel

In my Christmas post I shared pictures of Will with two of my great uncles, Sam and Joe. My grandma had a third brother, my Uncle Mel. As I was growing up I was probably closest to Uncle Mel. He took me to Tower Tee and signed me up for a kids golf session with Hale Irwin. He would pay me $1 for every shot I took that made it past 100 yards. In all the years we went I think I made about $3. Uncle Mel was always willing to drive me to sports activities in grade school or work in high school. Although I have to admit that driving with him was always a little scary - he never was a great driver. I'm so grateful for Uncle Mel and the role he played in my life.

Uncle Mel is in nursing home now. He suffers from dementia and some days are better for him than others. Last night was a wonderful night with Uncle Mel. Max, Will, Nonna, and I headed to the nursing home to visit last evening after dinner. Uncle Mel lit up when he saw me and boys. He reached out for Will and wanted to hold his hand. Will was pretty excited about it too. In addition to just a visit we had an extra treat for Uncle Mel last night. Nonna and Great Aunt Carmelina had Uncle Mel's old home movies put on dvd's with music. We brought in my laptop and showed Uncle Mel a little of the movie. It was pure magic. He held my hand and told us who every person in the movie was. Max was excited to see his Nonna as a baby and he thought the swimming pool scenes were pretty funny.

I'm so fortunate to have my family in my life. It means even more to be able to share my family with my boys.

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