Saturday, January 21, 2012

9 Months Old

Can my baby really be 3/4 of a year old already? I just don't see how that is possible! So what is new in Will's world? He has been battling a pretty nasty cold. I stayed home with him on Tuesday and took him to the doctor. Dr. Joe said it was just a cold and to let it run its course. Unfortunately Will seemed to be getting worse rather than better so we ended up seeing Dr. Joe again yesterday afternoon. Max is now on an antibiotic to help clear up his cold which has turned into an infection. Hopefully he is on the mend and his nose will stop running. He hates having it wiped and yells every time I try. So he often looks likes just like this picture - snot running down and all.

His two bottom teeth are just about all the way in. His top two are so close to cutting through. They look just awful - all bulged out and red. I really hope they cut through soon so my little man can get some relief.

Will is doing a great job at pulling up from a sitting position. He loves to stand whenever given a chance. It drives Max crazy that Will pulls up at the side of the train table. I have a feeling things are going to only get tougher in this area. Will is showing more and more interest in Max's things and Max isn't too wild about.

Will has been working hard to perfect his pincher grasp. I just gave him a few Gerber Puffs the other day and he loved trying to pick them up. I'm not sure how many actually end up in his mouth. While he is great at grabbing things with his thumb and forefinger, he hasn't quite gotten the idea of letting go of the treat once it reaches his mouth.

Probably my favorite Will 'trick' this month is his wiggles. He wiggles his little body on demand and shakes his head from side to side. He gets all excited and it is just the cutest thing ever.

It really does just amaze me how much children change this first year. It is a wonder to watch.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Visiting Uncle Mel

In my Christmas post I shared pictures of Will with two of my great uncles, Sam and Joe. My grandma had a third brother, my Uncle Mel. As I was growing up I was probably closest to Uncle Mel. He took me to Tower Tee and signed me up for a kids golf session with Hale Irwin. He would pay me $1 for every shot I took that made it past 100 yards. In all the years we went I think I made about $3. Uncle Mel was always willing to drive me to sports activities in grade school or work in high school. Although I have to admit that driving with him was always a little scary - he never was a great driver. I'm so grateful for Uncle Mel and the role he played in my life.

Uncle Mel is in nursing home now. He suffers from dementia and some days are better for him than others. Last night was a wonderful night with Uncle Mel. Max, Will, Nonna, and I headed to the nursing home to visit last evening after dinner. Uncle Mel lit up when he saw me and boys. He reached out for Will and wanted to hold his hand. Will was pretty excited about it too. In addition to just a visit we had an extra treat for Uncle Mel last night. Nonna and Great Aunt Carmelina had Uncle Mel's old home movies put on dvd's with music. We brought in my laptop and showed Uncle Mel a little of the movie. It was pure magic. He held my hand and told us who every person in the movie was. Max was excited to see his Nonna as a baby and he thought the swimming pool scenes were pretty funny.

I'm so fortunate to have my family in my life. It means even more to be able to share my family with my boys.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

We rang in the new year with a fun new activity - bowling! As you may know, Brian is an avid bowler or at least he was at one time. He even has a 300 game, or two, under his belt. After enjoying a yummy New Year's Day breakfast we headed to the bowling alley. I don't think I'm sure who was more excited - Max or Daddy. Although I have to say that Max was so excited he wasn't very interested in posing for pictures.

Max loved rolling his ball down the lane and waiting for it to emerge from the ball return. I guess for a three year old the ball return is a pretty amazing thing. He would also plop his little tush at the line and watch his ball bounce it's way down the lane - thank goodness for bumpers!

Max was all tuckered out about two thirds of the way through their second game, but he was still pretty proud to pose for a picture with his very first bowling score. Funny thing is he got a 55 both games.

All in all I think his first bowling experience was a huge success. In the car he told us he wants to go again.

We are very excited to begin a new year - I'm sure there will be many more wonderful firsts in 2012. Happy New Year to all!